Struggling with charting as a nurse practitioner?

Are you a nurse practitioner who is...

  • Tired of spending 10-15 hours of unpaid time (ouch!) just trying to catching up on charting and all the other tasks we do as NPs?

  • Tired of constantly feeling overwhelmed and running behind during your work day?

  • Tired of sacrificing time in the evening working when you would rather be spending time with family, friends, or caring for yourself?

Are you ready to STOP charting at home?!

Rx: Coaching with Erica D the NP Charting Coach

Offering 1 to 1 coaching sessions to help you improve your charting!

  • Sessions are 1 hour in length
  • Sessions take place over Zoom
  • You will be able to ask charting questions and get personalized feedback and support!

This coaching is not available for purchase.

About Erica D the NP Charting Coach

After I overcame healthcare burnout myself, I created The Burned-out Nurse Practitioner to help other NPs do the same.

I quickly realized that the #1 cause of nurse practitioner burnout is work-life imbalance.

And the #1 cause of work-life imbalance is....


So many NPs are staying late at the office or bringing their charts home, just trying to catch up!

I reflected on just how little NPs are taught about charting in school (even though it is such an important part of our work!).

So I created The Nurse Practitioner Charting School to be the one stop for all documentation resources created specifically for NPs!

It is now my mission to teach nurse practitioners about charting and time management so they can STOP charting at home!

"You are worth the investment!"

“I contacted Erica for a coaching session because I was feeling stuck and considering if I even wanted to continue in nursing at all. Her one-on-one coaching session was truly tailor made to address my concerns.

It was such an impactful session where I finally felt understood and validated.
I was able to leave the session feeling empowered to make informed decisions about my future not only in my career but in life.

This coaching session was so valuable and I would highly recommend it to any nurse.

You are worth the investment in one of these sessions!”

-Nikova, previously burned-out nurse practitioner

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of nurse practitioners do you help?

The coaching sessions are open to all practice areas (primary care, urgent care, specialty clinic, hospital medicine, ER medicine, mental health, women's health, etc.).

All certified nurse practitioners (or students!) are able to join (family NP, acute NP, pediatric NP, psych NP, women's health NP, etc.).

Is this for new grads or experienced NPs?

If you are a new OR expired nurse practitioner who is struggling to keep up with charting, these coaching sessions are for you!

It doesn't matter if you have tried to improve your charting in the past and failed, the community and accountability of this program will help you achieve YOUR charting goals!

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you will receive an email from Erica D the NP Charting Coach to schedule a time for the session!

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself needing more charting support, you can simply purchase the coaching again.

This coaching is not available for purchase.